About Us

Our vision is to enable inclusive growth that benefit the under served low income household with a financial offering that includes; product, service and education.

About Us

Who We Are

WestPRO Finance (Pty) Ltd is a registered and legal microfinance credit Provider NCRCP12128. West-PRO Finance is an subsidiary to West-PRO Group of Companies (Pty) Ltd servicing the traditionally under serviced low-income households or base of the Pyramid clientele for the last five years. 

mipaydayloans is a online brand ambassador of WestPRO Finance (Pty) Ltd. The brand is our online ambassador that provide straightforward and flexible short-term loans for clients across South Africa. With a strong background in loan administration and a passion for what we do, we can enable inclusive growth to unparalleled levels of customers in South Africa.

Our Vision

Our vision is to enable inclusive growth that benefit the under served low income household with a financial offering that includes; product, service and education.

Our Mission

We consistently implement unique, collaborative financial solutions in line with current financial trends to address the needs of and create inclusivity for low and medium household and all stakeholders through enhancement of relationships and established governance procedures on a national platform.